Saturday, February 20, 2010

Good morning from Crowell

Waking up in Cromwell on a Sunday morning is a beautiful thing. And that brilliant sun is a constant reminder (and should remind you must you travel to this region) about the ozone factor down here.  It's non-existent.  We're located in an area that rarely sees more than 350-400 ml of rain annually. The rain shadow effect means that the coasts are lush with forests and fauna and the valley that stretches down the spine of the southern island (wine region of Central Otago) is an arid and intense growing area.

This sunburn is awesome, not because it's a closer bout to skin cancer but it constantly reminds me that I would be chillin' (literally) in 30° weather. Burn and all it's been a busy week!

We've been knee deep in biodynamic preparations (actually massaging cow pies, filtering out the grass and preparing them for their basin home in the earth for the next two weeks to a month(s) turning them into usable soil). I will give a full detailed video on this at a later date. Many-a-biodynamic wine geek, myself included, reads about this and really hasn't an idea of how it's actually performed; you'll get your fill.  There's also been much dropping of fruit, cluster counts (crop estimations), and vine trimming.

I have the day off-it is Sunday after all- and plan to enjoy the sun and head to Queenstown. A jump off a cliff perhaps (I've always wanted to hang glide)? 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jiller.....I would have liked to call you on Sunday but forgot you're one day ahead. I'll try next Sunday (your time). The weather here has been chilly but sunny. A nice change. Looks like you got your hair cut. I hope you've got some sunblock and are now taking care of that sunburn.....ouch! I love getting your updates. Makes me feel like you aren't soOOOOOOOOOO far away. Love and miss you tons. OXOXOXOXO
